Artwork requirements
Before supplying us with your artwork, please ensure it aligns with these specifications. If you require additional support in adapting your artwork
please let us know; however be aware this may incur extra charge. Create Print London cannot be held responsible for printing errors that occur as a result of artwork that is supplied incorrectly.
The best format to send artwork is hi-res PDF.
We will check this prior to production and send a proof to you before
going ahead.
sending over files
We accept all our files electronically. Please send over files up to 10mb to or by filling out the contact form on our
website here.
For anything larger, please send files and information by WeTransfer or similar.
Preferred formats
The best and most print-ready format to send over your completed artworks is in high-res PDF. Please make sure images are at least 300dpi and all colours are correct. We are happy to accept JPEG and PNG files, as long as they are high-resolution and do not require editing. If you do require editing, we are happy to accept raw files in AI, EPS or PSD.
Other file types may be accepted but please be aware that any editing to correct specifications before production will incur charges.
Once we have received your artwork(s), we can check them thoroughly for issues, sending you a proof of the ready artwork before proceeding. Make sure that any artworks requiring a bleed are set up as so, adding at least 10mm to each edge before exporting your PDF.
When it comes to preparing a file for vinyl cut, the most important specification is that the image is a vector. The vector needs to show the ‘outline stroke’, as this will be the line that is cut.
If you need assistance in covering your image or text into a vinyl -cut-ready filer, please let us know. However, be aware this may incur extra charges, depending on the amount of work needed on your piece.
sending over files
We accept all our files electronically. Please send over files up to 10mb to or by filling out the contact form on our
website here.
For anything larger, please send files and information by WeTransfer or similar.
We accept artwork in all current and previous versions of both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Any open artworks must be supplied with imagery and fonts.
artwork set-up
All artwork must be supplied in the correct scale i.e. 1:1, 1:4, 1:10.
Please inform us of the correct scale in your contact form as well as the file.
Please supply all images in CMYK. We are able to convert colours if necessary but please be aware this may result in changes to colours.
Any Pantone colours will be produced using CMYK and matched as closely as possible. Please supply your Pantone reference numbers with your artwork if applicable.
Image resolution
This can depend on viewing distance, but a general rule would be the closer you are to the artwork, the higher the resolution you want to be.
We have a variety of off the shelf vinyls in various colours. All our colour vinyl stock is M4 Series from Metamark (intermediate grade calendared vinyl). If you require a specific vinyl type please let us know and we’ll see what we can do!
If you have your own materials, we can also work with you through hiring the machine for use.
artwork file type & Set Up
We accept artwork in all current and previous version of Illustrator. The acceptable file types are EPS and PDF. We can also accept AI, SWG and SVG, but these may need to be converted to the correct specification for the machine.
All files need to be supplied to the correct scale or a scale indicated. Please inform us of the scale in your contact form as well as in the file.
Our in-house graphic designers can assist you with any questions you might have concerning your artworks. Please supply as much information as possible when submitting requests so we can make sure your artworks are produced at their highest quality, efficiently and quickly.